May 9, 2012

Teacup Bouquets

Her dad and I both work outside the home, so Alice has been going to day care since she was about 4 months old.

Somewhere along the line, we started calling it "school," and the women who take care of her there, "teachers."

It sounds about right to me.

Although they are very loving caregivers, they aren't just babysitters. When Alice comes home singing a new song and carrying a fresh stack of fingerpaintings, I know she has spent the day learning - and that's a huge reassurance.

In a little gesture of thanks, we put together some sweet teacup bouquets for Alice's teachers. I think they came out really cute - and once you have all the materials gathered, they take just a few minutes to make. (So you still have plenty of time to give one in celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week, or a year-end party. Or maybe table decorations for a Mother's Day brunch?).

You'll need:
Teacups and saucers (Try a thrift store. I found mine for a dollar each. No joke).
Tiny potted flowers or plants

A note here: If you were feeling ambitious, you could carefully drill a hole in the bottom of the teacup to provide some drainage. But my feeling was that the cups are so tiny, the teachers will have to replant the flowers fairly quickly anyway if they want them to last, so I kept things simple.

Instructions: Carefully lift the flower out of its original pot and gently loosen the roots. Put a little soil into the teacup, then place the flower inside, pressing  the soil down firmly. Give it some water - but don't overdo it - then top with moss. Embellish with some ribbon, if you want, or tuck a gift card between cup and saucer.