June 11, 2012

Safe-Sleep Photo Contest: Enter to Win a Babies R Us Gift Card

Here's a fun one.

To help promote safe-sleep environments for babies, First 5 San Joaquin - with support from Anthem Blue Cross - is hosting the "Show Off Your Sheets" photo contest.

In 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that infants be placed on their backs to sleep - and since then, instances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) have decreased dramatically.

More recently, the AAP has expanded its safe-sleep guidelines. Doctors also recommend that you:

  • Place your baby to sleep on a firm sleep surface
  • Keep soft objects, loose bedding and bumper pads out of the crib, at least until the baby is a year old
  • Dress the baby in no more than one extra layer than you would wear - don't let the baby get too hot
  • Offer a pacifier at nap time and bedtime

(Find more guidelines here.)

Now for the fun part. Was your baby born in the era of digital cameras? Do you have, oh, 5 zillion photos of him or her just sleeping? Terrific!

First 5 is looking for your pictures of babies sleeping in safe-sleep environments: firm mattresses, adorned only with a fitted sheet (no pillows, no toys, no blankets and comforters, no bumper pads). A panel of judges will evaluate the photos, with the First Place winner receiving a $50 Babies R Us gift card, and the Second Place winner receiving a $25 Babies R Us gift card.

To enter, send high-resolution jpeg images to sjckids@sjgov.org. In the body of the email, include a caption that details the name and age of the child, and your name, email address, mailing address, and telephone number.

(Be sure to read the full contest rules here).

The deadline has been extended to Friday, June 29.

Good luck! Happy sleeping!