July 24, 2012

Baseball with Young Children

Since we moved here, my husband and I have really enjoyed going to Minor League baseball games. It's inexpensive and casual, a fun reason to be outdoors during the evening cool-down - my favorite part of Central Valley summers, and a good excuse to indulge in a little junk food. And sometimes, if you're lucky, there are fireworks.

Fortunately for us, Alice likes baseball too.

We took her for the first time this spring.

Baseball, I think, works really well for toddlers. They get to be outside where there is room to move around and plenty to distract.

Alice loves when we sit out in the grassy Home Run Hill area. She could spend hours rolling down, then wobbling back up, dizzy, to try again.

The Stockton Ports have quite a few home games left this season. Look for promotions such as 2-buck Mondays or post-game fireworks. (Lately, we haven't managed to stay long enough to actually see the fireworks - but we can hear them all the way back home. That makes me smile).