February 4, 2013

DIY Valentines: Super Easy and Candy-Free (Day 2 - Markers)

This week, I'm sharing some ideas for homemade valentines that are inexpensive and simple to pull off - and that don't involve candy. Up today? Markers.

DIY Valentines

I am drawn to you.

Get it?

Say you're the parent of a preschooler. Is it more worrisome to see your child clutching a box of conversation hearts, or a pack of markers?

It's a tough call.

But, for littler kiddos, you could easily substitute crayons here. Or some colored pencils.

And, with the addition of a coloring book or sketch pad (Perhaps some stencils? Even a set of water colors?), you could put together a cute little art-themed Valentine's Day gift.

DIY Valentines

Find more homemade Valentine's Day ideas right here.