February 5, 2013

DIY Valentines: Super Easy and Candy-Free (Day 3 - Stickers)

This week, I'm sharing some ideas for homemade valentines that are inexpensive and simple to pull off - and that don't involve candy. Up today? Stickers.

DIY Valentines - stickers

Stickers work nicely for classroom treats because they tend to be pretty low-cost, and it's easy to find boy, girl and gender-neutral options.

(Plus, for kids within a certain age bracket, they seem to have some of the same novelty as candy. Honestly, Alice is rarely so pleased as when she comes home with a special sticker on her sweater, earned for sitting nicely during circle time.)

Take the wordplay in a different direction by attaching the card to a plant marker and tucking it into a potted succulent for a (slightly) more sophisticated teacher gift. Or, what about a basket full of "sticky" office supplies - Post-it notes, glue sticks, tacks, some pretty washi tape?

DIY Valentines - stickers

Find more homemade Valentine's Day ideas right here.