February 11, 2014

Valentine's Day Trail Mix

Valentine's Day snack

Alice's class will have a Valentine's Day party at the end of this week.

She can hardly wait.

In the meantime, since both of us were feeling festive, we decided to throw together a fun little Valentine's Day snack - she's enjoyed munching on it after school.

It's super easy and a great measuring activity for preschoolers or even toddlers.

Valentine's Day Snack

Make as big or small a batch as you'd like using:

  • Two parts Quaker Whole Hearts cereal. (I chose it for the shape, but if you can't find it, any kind of 'Os' cereal would work).

and one part each

  • Chocolate chips
  • Mini marshmallows
  • Dried cranberries
  • Something salty - we broke apart some pretzels, but I bet popcorn would be tasty too

For a little more color and zip, you could also toss in a handful of cinnamon heart candies

(For our smallish batch, we used 1 cup of cereal and half a cup of everything else).

Valentine's Day snack

Pour everything into a bowl and mix.

Alice and I served ours in paper cupcake liners, but I think this treat would be extra special inside some simple paper favor bags.

Valentine's Day snack

Find more Valentine's Day DIY ideas here.